Saturday, 1 November 2014

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Register your interset...

I love Richard Branson's way of thinking...
"A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts"

Draw online shoppers back to our businesses-Register your interest to learn more.
#‎lovelocal‬ ‪#‎ourtimeisnow‬ ‪#‎registeryourinterest‬ ‪#‎beseenonline

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Support for Locals...

gifts4locals are thrilled to be able to support
GRIFFITH POST SCHOOL OPTIONS INC (GPSO) began operating in Griffith in early 1993 when the State Government provided funding to establish Post School Options Programs for young adults with a ...disability to make the transition from school to community life. GPSO strives to assist people with a disability to achieve their full potential, enabling each person to enjoy quality of life whilst also becoming a valued community member.

Love Local

buzzi@home in full bloom for the festival of the gardens. The window is amazing! You need to call in and see the great range of homeware and lifestyle products now available at the new buzzi@home,

310 Banna Ave, Griffith

Have fun...

This is fun, What is the best thing that happened to you today?
This is what I get asked every night at the dinner table by Tys.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Local Love...

When you shop locally you are supporting more than just that business. You are supporting local jobs, the economy, your local community AND the business owner...
Imagine what your local area would be like without your favourite little cafe, shop or retailer...
Small local businesses are the heart and soul of your community. Shop locally wherever you can!

Time for a challenge...

I think its a good time for a challenge...
Who has the most positive awe-inspiring quote?
 Let's see how many we can post in 1 week!