Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Giving Gratitude.....

I have been nominated by my inspiring yoga mentor, Janine Murphy to partake in a Positivity Challenge and post 3 reasons to be grateful every day for 5 days and in-turn nominate another person to do the same daily….With so many things to be grateful for I will do my best to keep it short
1. The absolute joy in little Levi’s face and the huge hug I got when I picked him up from preschool today.
2. Had the pleasure of spending the day working with 2 of the most beautiful people I know…but I must admit, amazing people surround me always.
3. The garden fairies that came and manicured my garden while I was at work.
And that I must say was so, so much easier than I thought
 and now I nominate Val Woodland.

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